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Are These Federal Jobs Worth the Money?

Are These Federal Jobs Worth the Money?

Real people do these jobs. Talk about a hard day at work. The federal jobs described below – and many more not listed here – deal with some of the most complex topics and problems in America!

What I want to know is this: are these jobs worth the money, or any amount of money, that the employee receives for the headaches, frustrations, difficult negotiations, etc., that will no doubt be part of these positions?

Take, for example, the State Department Analyst who is responsible for promoting communication and cooperation among the various government agencies and private sector organizations supporting the U.S. mission in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. This employee is the ultimate negotiator and must demonstrate optimum patience, negotiation skills, flexibility and ability to navigate complex international and homeland security issues.

Is this job worth $51,630.00 – $81,204.00 a year?

Here are a few true-life examples of challenging federal jobs:

1. DC Park Ranger: Is this job worth $89,033.00 – $115,742.00 a year?


Negotiate the terms of right-of-way permits authorizing the use and occupancy of National Park Service land within the various units of the National Capital Region in response to applications submitted by the District of Columbia government for a wide variety of municipal projects, from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for wetland rehabilitation and utility installations and upgrades, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority for new and expanded metrorail facilities, from private utility companies for new and expanded telecommunication facilities, and electric power lines, and from a variety of federal, State, and local government agencies for various utility service connections, including those of a sensitive nature serving Department of Defense and Homeland Security agencies.

My take:

This federal employee must be an amazing multi-tasker, problem-solver, negotiator, communicator and coalition builder. He or she needs to know the ins and outs of real estate and to be tough and HOLD his or her GROUND (The American Public’s Ground). To me, this job seems like too much for one person. This job should be split amongst at least 2 to 3 workers, so that each team member can specialize and work with a particular target issue or audience.

2. USDA Stakeholder Analyst: Is this job worth $62,467.00 – 97,333.00 a year?


Maintain contacts and build relationships with organizations including, but not limited to, those representing segments of the dairy, beef, poultry, swine, and equine industries; horticulture production; biotechnology industries and associations; wildlife organizations; and animal welfare interests.

My take:

It amazes me that this job serves to protect not only humans with regard to food safety, but animal welfare as well. This analyst must be a subject matter expert who can talk to all kinds of agricultural experts and represent USDA with regards to all kinds of problems and requests from advocacy and manufacturing organizations with specific interests to protect. This USDA Stakeholder Analyst will be representing the American taxpayer before these groups. This is an important job, because we all like to eat healthy food, and we like the outdoors.

3. Chief Scientific and Technical Advisor (CSTA) for Flight Loads/Aeroelasticity: Is this job worth $114,600.00 – $168,500.00 a year?


Serve as the FAA’s recognized expert for structural loads on fixed wing airplanes and he/she defines and advances new technologies in flight and ground loads to establish leadership in the field.

My take:

This job is a lot of pressure for one person. Airline manufacturers will depend on the new and updated payload policies from this Chief Scientist, who must continually update their expertise in new technologies. American public lives depend on this job.

4. Veteran’s Administration Budget Analyst: Is this job worth AD-0560-13/15 undisclosed dollars?


Estimates for Congress the needs of veterans for the costs of providing emergency, acute, and long-term care, specialized care for women veterans, treatment of diseases resulting from exposure to environmental hazards, and residential and community-based care.

My take:

America’s veterans have huge needs, and the VA has tremendous budget challenges. This Budget Analyst must analyze, present sound facts, be a strong advocate, and negotiate for the vets and families. This person helps thousands of people.

5. Food Service Worker for the Army: Is this job worth $9.98 – $13.16 an hour?


Clean the cafeteria with a ‘sequence of tasks.’ Perform a variety of tasks having several steps or a sequence of tasks that requires attention to work operations in a kitchen or dining area following established procedures.

My take:

This food service worker should be diligent, responsible, stand up straight, and work hard! The military personnel will be thankful for a clean and organized kitchen. This is a good job helping the morale of the soldiers and families.


All of these positions will require Specialized Experience in order to land the job. But they will need WAY more than that. The competencies needed to perform well in these positions will require: communications, interpersonal, negotiation, advocacy, building coalitions, problem-solving, vision, strategic thinking, subject matter knowledge, and more.

The individuals who are hired into these positions will be handling some of the biggest challenges in federal government today. These positions require more than average involvement and performance. Are you interested in dedicating yourself to a complex, important mission? If so, read more jobs like these at USAJOBS.gov.

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