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A Beginners Guide to Artificial Intelligence

A Beginners Guide to Artificial Intelligence

AI is a branch of computer science related to machines. During the second half of the 20th century, AI has been considered any work done by machines that did not require the intelligence of a human being for completing a particular task. This definition was attributed to the fathers of artificial intelligence known as Minsky and McCarthy. The current definition is the ability of robots controlled by a computer to solve problems that require the intellect and skills of human beings as the ability to reason, generalize and ascertain data.

Types of Artificial Intelligence

AI can be divided into two categories: narrow AI and general AI. Narrow AI is often considered as weak. It is specific task-oriented. General AI is considered to be strong. It can do a wide range of tasks, unlike Narrow AI.

Narrow AI

This is seen in the computers we use. This type of AI is generally focused on a single task which it can do very well. Examples are virtual assistants that recognize speech and language, and cars that can self-drive. This type of artificial intelligence can only do a specified task given taught to them but cannot do anything more. Responding to customers questions and concerns is a common form of narrow artificial intelligence along with cooperating with other artificial intelligence for the tasks of hotel booking, helping radiologists to find tumors through X-rays that have the potential to turn dangerous, detecting troubles with elevators, preparing a three-dimensional model of the world, etc. It can only do tasks that are taught to them, unlike humans, and this is one of its biggest drawbacks.

General AI

This type of AI can be found in more refined systems. It can do several tasks that a human can do and use human-like intelligence to solve various problems ranging from a simple task such as cutting nails and hair and watering plants to a high skill task such as reasoning based on collected data. The themes of western movies are highly influenced by general AI. The data scientists argue that general artificial intelligence will rise to a huge extent by the year 2040-2050, and it would be the future of this universe by the year 2075, and it would dominate the whole world, including human beings. It would also be a threat to the human species. General AI is believed to surpass the cognitive human performance in virtual domains. However, many scientists have divided opinions over this. Many scientists believe that general AI is nowhere near becoming the future of the world. The pioneers of general artificial intelligence, such as Demis Hassabis, Geoffrey Hinton, and Yann LeCun, also have this view. They believe that there is no concrete basis for the fear that the human species will be threatened by general artificial intelligence in the near future.

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